Saturday, October 20, 2007

A little recognition for our office

I'm not very interested in self-promotion just for its own sake. There's way too much of that in real estate already, and I think most consumers are sick of it, too. The "look at me, please!" thing gets pretty old.

So I thought quite a bit about whether to post a link to this story -- about an award our office recently won for 2006 sales. Among all of the 89 RE/MAX offices in the St. Louis Region, an area encompassing Missouri and the southern half of Illinois, our office averaged the highest number of transactions per agent: 51. (We also won the award in 2005, when we averaged 55 transactions per agent.)

While an award in itself is a nice thing to have, I think the real point of this one is that it demonstrates just how much we've been helping our clients. I look at it this way: In any industry, the busy people are the ones considered to be knowledgeable and hardworking. If your car breaks down and you need to hire a mechanic, for example, you can guess that the person who's doing it full time probably has the necessary training and has fixed the same problem dozens of times for other people.

My automotive expertise may be lacking (though I did once, as a grad assistant, have a professor give me the assignment of refilling her car's windshield wiper fluid, for which I earned high marks), but I'm happy to be part of a team that knows a lot about real estate. And at a current average of 44 transactions per agent for 2007 sales, we're keeping pretty busy this year, too.

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